Tag Archives: science

Mind the brokenminded

Once again
I am awake, she said
When I know I should sleep
Tired and all but I’ve dug too deep
In this maze under ground where only I find

I should rest but I can’t
In this dark place, in my kingdom
I run around all these shadows, I chase
Barely to glimpse a silhouette in my mind
I close my eyes and I see, not enough
Not a face nor a body
All there ever was is a blur and I shake

Suffering is all around
I reach for a goal, never to finish
Stuck in this world in between, held up by the wall
Of corpses and dirt that we’ve left on the way
To our illusions of wealth

In this empty place where I search, there are no light and it hurts
A long hall I walk down full of paintings I can’t figure out
Nothing makes sense
Memories and pictures
Without motives

The sound is unbearable, only the one tone
The sound of torture
In a realm of forgotten heroes
With people who act as Gods
So many ideas without projects
So many plans without faith

I am standing inside, but it’s freezing cold
For the sake of my health I must hold
Can’t fall down again in this deep void
In a few hours I will sleep not to feel
For a while, this reality, hell
Until later

I should be dreaming by now but what does it matter
I am awake when I shouldn’t and I’m all out of dreams.
And you of all should know, nothing is ever as it seems
