Tag Archives: conspiracy

The atheist

I have always considered myself an atheist.
Mostly by the fact that religion seems to be the root of all evil.
But I was wrong.
I believe in God.
I believe in Allah, Buddha, Krishna, you name them.
It all comes down to the same in the end.
I believe in a force, invisible but present.
All around us.
I believe we are all a part of it.
But they have done all they can to hide it from us.
Instead we worship icons, material, Satan.

I believe in being righteous and just to all and everyone around us.
But most importantly to yourself
Be honest not to your expectation but to your true, inner self.
Control yourself.
I believe a good fast will bring a higher conscience, try it.
Don´t be afraid, close your eyes and see the light
It is there

I believe we are controlled by the fear they have put upon us
From an early age
Now ask yourself, what can you do for the benefit of this planet
Stop thinking about how to get rich, it will never happen
Not on their scale

Pray for this world in flames
What is the worst that could happen?


Can you answer these questions… please


(A letter to myself, for the day I no longer give a fuck)


So I am starting to write because I can’t keep my mouth shut anymore. (Excuse my English, not my native tongue)

Living in a world where we give fame to retarded, struggle for an anorexic body, work our asses off to make someone else rich, and keep on letting ourselves be ruled by this sadistic fossils.

Keep your eyes shut, don’t ask, have a beer, watch your favorite team. Tomorrow is another day another beer, another game.
Turn off your damn television, you may have a hundred thousand channels but you have no choice really, you’ll get what they want you to. Careful with the news, they are part lies, embedded lines.
Read in-between the lanes.

It is funny the standards we try to achieve yeah keep on creaming your face, like it will matter in a future when we all walk around in a gas mask, due to radiation.
I guess you won’t think too much about your looks when your only goal is survival.

Me and you are spoiled little brats and it’s time to change.
How can we keep ourselves from protesting the barbarities
that the authorities make, the killing, the lying the stealing.
All the shit they take.
And we say nothing as long as what, we have a job, some money,
gas in the tank. Don’t say a word.
Sure let them continue, we won’t see the blood anyway.
Do we lack moral, are we scared?
Why won’t civilian fight fire with fire, why won’t civilian shoot back them rubber balls.
No keep your voice down, have a beer, there’s a derby tonight.
Or go dress yourself up like in that porn, get shitfaced in that same old dump,  happiness for that one night.

Fuck this society from deepest of my heart, and fuck you for not caring, daring. I am a coward and so are the rest.
We are afraid of loosing what we hold so dear, our life.
And we don’t even know why, the one thing we would not sacrifice is something we know so little about, something we will never really learn.
How can we price it that high, when on the other side of the world someone in the torturechamber is wishing for their life to end.

How can we let them continue, how many lives is yours worth.
We are afraid of loosing our precious possessions that we so desperately need, according to that TV.
Afraid of loosing..
And you will loose, it takes a lot of failure before success.
That’s why you don’t fight, that’s why I don’t try, we will surely die, loose what we hold so dear.

It’s our fault really, we are the ones electing, we are the ones keeping quiet watching crime after crime being committed by the ones in charge. Human rights, environmental disasters, oilmoney, atomic world war III.

When I look in the mirror I feel ashamed after each day that has gone by without me helping the poor Palestinian or the suffering Syrian. Not protesting in Turkey or Ukraine.
For not helping out at Fukushima, for not helping Africa heal or contributing to greenpeace, not helping out the damn polar bears.
There are just so many things, but that’s not it, the scar is so much deeper and mother earth keeps bleeding out diamonds and oil.
The problem is I don’t know the problem, the root of it all, where is the red line. Where is the base.
Who must get shot for change?

Whatever a few brave personalities have achieved in terms of human rights in this world we are still seeing suffering everywhere if one would just look. Is it about perception or ideology?
Why are we so keen on locking ourselves, shutting out the horror.
Do you stare the vagabond in the eye when refusing him some change?
Will this world live in peace when only the first class remain?

How can I continue my day in a good state of mind when hearing about a grown man in Yemen marry a little 8 year old girl and on their wedding night she dies due to internal bleeding, guess why.
Provokes my stomach writing about it.
How can I smile when I know this instant a child dies of hunger, a girl is violently raped in India, a man dies in the battlefield, a murderer and a rapist walks free thanks to the game of justice.
Same as for the wifebeater. While the corrupted politician calmly checks his bank account in Switzerland.
This instant an innocent man is being executed, children abducted, someone is being sold as a slave, and another forced to work, women forced to prostitution.

When I look in the mirror I feel ashamed of myself and of you, mankind, so blind.
Not even blind really, simply an amazing ability to close your eyes, like watching a horror movie.
These are just a few, far from the worst.
What about the stuff they didn’t tell us.

And meanwhile here we are complaining about the weather today.
How can we keep ourselves from stopping all of this when we are the only ones to stop it.

How can there be 5 individuals rich enough to solve all the worlds hunger, and still we see families die provoked by unsafe water.
Or enterprises powerful as governments, who are the real terrorists?
How come the respected Vatican doesn’t pitch in a bit to help out, with all the euros they possess.
Sell the popes golden throne on ebay and maybe one of this rich individuals mentioned above will feed the world.

Where is the root of the problem, who is in charge.
Really, not the face on your screen making the promises, looking for the bigger fish, there has to be someone holding his strings.

The power of money is simply amazing. I wish I had some.

Sometimes I wonder if it will ever change for the better, is there enough time?
I bet mankind needs to leave before this planet can heal.
When did we become this bloodthirsty, greedy parasites?
Never satisfied, supersize everything. More money, more land, more oil, more gold, more meat.
And we keep on shitting out babies into this unreal reality, overpopulation is truly a cancer.

That’s what we are in the long run pathetic, leeching parasites, destroying this amazing system and leaving a trail of cement, iron and plastic. Leaving the forests shaved as our genitals.
We really are an interesting bunch aren’t we.

I refuse to give up hope though.
I can’t say I am a very religious man, but I wish for a miracle.
What if civilian fight fire with fire.
But we won’t.

Sometimes I play around with the thought of what an alien race would think of us if observing from the outside, no wonder we haven’t had many visitors.
I do wish there is alien life so that I can put my hope on the fact that homo sapiens are not the smartest of them all, the big boss.
I don’t know, guess it would be wrong to blame Darwin, but somewhere along the line we have created this glorified image of what we are.
Yes we might be the most fortunate animal in terms of evolution, the jedis of this planet.
But who gave us the right to abuse the rest, we are still just another species surviving on this beautiful dirtball and one day we will have to pay for our ego.
